Get window title
Ok I have and I've found this and added in to my code so like:
char buffer[65536];
ProcInfo *p = new ProcInfo();
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,entry.th32ProcessID);
int txtlen=GetWindowTextLengthW(hProc);
GetWindowText(hProc, buffer, txtlen);
@Error is on line 4:
invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'HWND__*'
Someone told me I would find it easy learning C++ already knowing C# pretty well, but most of this just doesn't seem to make any sense :/
Oh... I'm was mistake too. I hate winapi :)
I did google very long and...
NOT simple ways get HWND from HANDLEBut I find difficult way, may be you can repeat this for your program.'s really stupid crazy method. But I'm not found anymore.
So, now I understand why Win developer hate C++ - winapi is unbelievable crap.
Hey, go to Linux - go to dark side - we still have cookies. :D