[SOLVED] how to create a map of actions
I've got some problems creating a map of actions. In my code I've code something like the following:@QAction* actionUserManagement = new QAction( this );
actionUserManagement->setText( tr("Manage users") );
QAction& currentAction = *actionUserManagement;
actionsMap->insert( QString("userview"), currentAction );@but this is not working, it seems the map is calling a QAction( QAction) constructor which is protected. How can I solve this?
Thanks -
You can not create a QMap<QAction>. Containers need their contents to be default constructable and copyable, and QAction does not satisfy those requirements (nor does any other QObject subclass). You can however create a QMap<QAction*> without problems, or even use one of the (shared) pointer classes in your map.