Qt REST Client (Beta)
Hi everyone!
At now i will develop small REST framework for automate mapping JSON and XML RESTful data to standard QAbstyractLisModel with full support of fetchMore and canFetchMore.
Qt REST Client - small and simple REST API client for any Qt/QML application. Library support standard JSON and XML REST APIs.
Main features
- Based on QAbstractListModel with fetchMore and canFetchMore support;
- Support JSON and XML list data;
- Pagination by per page, limit/offset or cursor;
- Sorting data;
- Filtering data;
- Authentication;
- StackView navigation;
- Specify fields for GET list method;
- Lazy loading details item data;
- Separate model and API methods;
- Simple API implementation for your apps;
- State based model information;
- Requires ID field for each record;
- Interfaces from C++ and Qt Quick/QML;
- Multiple external API services in different models.
Library available on GitHub, at now it's early beta and i hope you give me feedback about my work =)
Library: https://github.com/kafeg/qtrest
Example application: https://github.com/kafeg/qtrest-example -
hi. great to see this.
however example lacks some libs.
Share please example working out of box.And it will be good to see more easy example.
this is too complex.