Multi-screen display pictures are jagged
General and Desktop
Qt5.9 and Qt5.12 HD screen settings:
QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true);
There are two screens, resolution A: 19201080 B: 19201080,
Scaling ratio: A: 150%, B: 100%, the program shows clear on A, and there is sawtooth on B, as shown in the figure.
qputenv("QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS", "1.5;1.0");
2. zoom ratio: A: 100%, B: 150%, the program shows clear on B, shows a sawtooth on A, as shown**qputenv("QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS", "1.0;1.5");**
Why is there a jagged appearance on the display with a low zoom ratio?
If QML, is antialiasing property set to true? -