Where and in which widget should I put decoded video frames?
In which widget should I display my ffmpeg decoded frames?
I've found here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/videooverview.html that I can use a subclass of QAbstractVideoSurface to process my frames. And I used a QMediaPlayer and passed my QAbstractVideoSurface to it. However, QMediaPlayer is not a displayable element, so which element should output the frames? (In the right way, not using QImages or something like that). Also, my QMediaPlayer never calls the method bool present of QAbstractVideoSurface, so I don't know how it works.
This is my code:
QList<QVideoFrame::PixelFormat> VideoSurface::supportedPixelFormats(QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType handleType = QAbstractVideoBuffer::NoHandle) const { Q_UNUSED(handleType); // Return the formats you will support return QList<QVideoFrame::PixelFormat>() << QVideoFrame::Format_YUV420P; } bool VideoSurface::present(const QVideoFrame &frame) { //Q_UNUSED(frame); std:: cout << "VideoSurface processing 1 frame " << std::endl; QVideoFrame frametodraw(frame); if(!frametodraw.map(QAbstractVideoBuffer::ReadOnly)) { setError(ResourceError); return false; } // Handle the frame and do your processing const size_t bufferSize = 398304; uint8_t frameBuffer[bufferSize]; this->mediaStream->receiveFrame(frameBuffer, bufferSize); //Frame is now in frameBuffer, we must put into frametodraw, I guess // ------------What should I do here?------------- frametodraw.unmap(); return true; }
Look at this->mediaStream.decodeFrame(frameBuffer, bufferSize). This line decodes a new h264 frame into frameBuffer in the YUV420P format. Now I need to pass it to the QFrame and I must find a way to display this QFrame on screen
@SGaist the problem is that QVideoRendererControl is also a not displayable element. I don't know which element of QT (like, which Widget) is going to display the video. Also, this class should implement QVideoRendererControl but what more? For example, I know I can set my AbstractVideoSurface to it, but when will it call my video surface?
QVideoWidget will show your video. Implement a QMediaObject subclass that will provide the control interface. It will also be responsible for the decoding and the rest. Like the any of the QtMultimedia backend is.