qApp->quit() from other class not working
General and Desktop
Hey there,
when I start my application I check a catalog of files if any file is missing. If there is any file missing, I show a custom messagebox (just a class which inherits from
) to the user. In this messagebox the user has the ability to click on Exit, to quit the whole application. This is how I achieve it:QAbstractButton *openAnywayBtn; QAbstractButton *exitBtn; // ----------------------------- QAbstractButton *showListBtn; QAbstractButton *deleteFromCatBtn; if (missingFiles.count() >= 20) { box->setBoxDescription(tr("There are more than 20 files missing in your catalog.")); showListBtn = box->addButton(tr("Show Detailed List"), QMessageBox::ResetRole); openAnywayBtn = box->addButton(tr("Open anyway"), QMessageBox::YesRole); exitBtn = box->addButton(tr("Exit"), QMessageBox::NoRole); } else { box->setBoxDescription(_msg + _files); openAnywayBtn = box->addButton(tr("Open anyway"), QMessageBox::ResetRole); deleteFromCatBtn = box->addButton(tr("Delete from Catalog"), QMessageBox::YesRole); exitBtn = box->addButton(tr("Exit"), QMessageBox::NoRole); } box->exec(); if (box->clickedButton() == exitBtn) { qApp->quit(); }
just looks like this:int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); CatalogFileList *list = new CatalogFileList("C:/Users/Jan/Desktop/DefaultCatalog"); QStringList catalogFiles; if (list->readXml()) { if (list->checkFiles()) { // the check is included in this function catalogFiles = list->getFiles(); } } QMainWindow w; w.showMaximized(); return app.exec(); }
When the user clicks on Exit, nothing happens. The window is show and the QApplication instance is running normally. How can I achieve to close the whole application from this MessageBox. I tried out many ways (just like
with the slot of qApp).Many thanks,