qmlplugindump with debug extension
QML and Qt Quick
I have build an extension plugin in debug mode
When I try to run qmlplugindump I getQQmlComponent: Component is not ready file:///C:/Qt/Examples/Qt-5.12.0/qml/qmlextensionplugins/imports/typelist.qml:3:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "TimeExample": The plugin 'C:/Qt/Examples/Qt-5.12.0/qml/qmlextensionplugins/imports/TimeExample/qmlqtimeexampleplugin.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
How can I run qmlplugindump on debug extension?
Thanks -
are you using the qmlplugindump executable from the package matching and also you need to recompile qmlpluugindump from source in debug yourself.But why can't you simply build a release version of your plugin?