Grab the snapshot from qt-gstreamer for QImage
General and Desktop
I am working on qt-gstreamer from this example It works but I would like to know how to grab the image for QImage, please?
How can I grab the image from this step, for my Qimage’s snapshot?
QImage snapshot; //watch for the receiving side src pads QGlib::connect(rtpbin, "pad-added", this, &VoipExample::onRtpBinPadAdded); //watch the bus m_pipeline->bus()->addSignalWatch(); QGlib::connect(m_pipeline->bus(), "message::error", this, &VoipExample::onBusErrorMessage); //switch to the video view and connect the video widget m_ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); m_ui.videoWidget->watchPipeline(m_pipeline); //go! m_pipeline->setState(QGst::StatePlaying);
Thanks in advance
That's a question you should rather ask to the QtGstreamer developers. Note that the bindings are unmaintained at this point. There's however a qml plugin in one of gstreamer plugin modules.
The bindings are working as is so you may use them. However you have to take into account that the folks of GStreamer don't maintain them anymore.