Signals and Slots
I have a Qt signal and slot connection:
QObject::connect(pobjPushButton ,&clsQtPushbtn::clicked ,pobjSubscriber ,&clsXMLnode::pbtnClicked);
I want to replace this code with something like this:
pSignalClicked = static_cast<some type>(&clsQtPushbtn::clicked); pSlotClicked = static_cast<some type>(&clsXMLnode::pbtnClicked); QObject::connect(pobjPushButton ,pSignalClicked ,pobjSubscriber ,pSlotClicked);
So far my attempts at replacing the original code with the later has failed.
I have several signals and slots with the same signal provider and subscriber, I am trying to clean up the code with a single connect statement and then set the pSignalClicked and pSlotClick pointers before the connect.
@J-Hilk , thank you, works a treat:
const char* cpSignal = nullptr, * cpSlot = nullptr; bool blnRc = false; if ( eSignal == ST_PUSHBUTTON_CLICKED ) { cpSignal = SIGNAL(clsQtPushbtn::clicked); cpSlot = SLOT(clsXMLnode::pbtnClicked); blnRc = true; }
The only problem is now a variant of the connect that I'm also using:
QObject::connect(pobjPushButton ,&clsQtPushbtn::clicked ,[pobjScriptEng, strCall]() { QString strScript = clsMainWnd::strGetScript(); if ( strCall.isEmpty() != true ) { strScript += strCall + "();"; pobjScriptEng->evaluate(strScript); } });
I cannot use the SIGNAL() macro in this connect method.
@SPlatten said in Signals and Slots:
cpSignal = SIGNAL(clsQtPushbtn::clicked);
cpSlot = SLOT(clsXMLnode::pbtnClicked);This should not work. it should be
cpSignal = SIGNAL(clicked()); cpSlot = SLOT(pbtnClicked());
@SPlatten said in Signals and Slots:
The only problem is now a variant of the connect that I'm also using
You can use a
as a bridge between the two -
@SPlatten said in Signals and Slots:
it does work, I've tried it.
Are you 100% sure? The below is a minimal example that shows it doesn't work
#include <QApplication> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QSlider> #include <QHBoxLayout> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QWidget mainWid; QHBoxLayout* minLay = new QHBoxLayout(&mainWid); QSpinBox* testSpinn=new QSpinBox(&mainWid); testSpinn->setRange(0,100); testSpinn->setValue(50); QSlider* testSlide=new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal,&mainWid); testSlide->setRange(0,100); testSlide->setValue(50); minLay->addWidget(testSpinn); minLay->addWidget(testSlide); // Works // QObject::connect(testSpinn,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),testSlide,SLOT(setValue(int))); // QObject::connect(testSlide,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),testSpinn,SLOT(setValue(int))); // Doesn't Work QObject::connect(testSpinn,SIGNAL(QSpinBox::valueChanged),testSlide,SLOT(QSlider::setValue)); QObject::connect(testSlide,SIGNAL(QSlider::valueChanged),testSpinn,SLOT(QSpinBox::setValue));; return app.exec(); }