Crashing when accessing class within lambda
I would need some help to understand lambda functions. I get inconsistent SegFaults : when ran in GDB, my program always crashes. When ran outside of GDB, it sometimes works.
Here is my code :connect(pathButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, [=, &optimiser](){ QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "Open Directory", optimiser.getmodPath(), QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); modpathTextEdit->setPlainText(dir); optimiser.setModPath(dir); });
If I remove optimiser.getmodPath(), it doesn't crash.
QString Optimiser::getmodPath() const { return modPath; }
It shouldn't be necessary, but here is my full code.
Hi and welcome to the forums
I could not spot same code in gitlab ?I was wondering if the optimiser you capture by reference will stay in scope ?
Aha :)
It seems to be defined as a local variable in constructorMainWindow::MainWindow()
Optimiser optimiser("C:/", mw_log); // local variableso since you capture it with reference, it will point to a deleted variable as
constructor has run and finished once you press button.Put it as a class member of MainWindow (in .h )
and it will work fine. -
as an additional note,you can give your connect statement an 4th parameter, for example optimiser, if it's an QObject-derived class -
Thatway the connection will get resolved when either the sender object(pathButton) or the reference object becomes invalid (optimiser).
connect(pathButton, &QPushButton::pressed, &optimiser, [=, &optimiser](){ QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "Open Directory", optimiser.getmodPath(), QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); modpathTextEdit->setPlainText(dir); optimiser.setModPath(dir); });
Thank you, it worked. @J-Hilk I'll remember it.
Now, I have another issue. When I append anything to the log, like here, I crash.
It isn't related to Qt tho, and I probably should be able to fix it by myself. Thanks for the help already.
Edit : I've fixed it, I was giving the argument before it was initialized.