How to Identify an Item which i am going to push in stackview is already existed in stackview's stack ?
Hi All,
assume that i have multiple "page" items and a "StackView" as shown below.
i want to achieve something like , if i have already pushed 'page1' and if i have to push it one more time i have to search weather this particular 'page' already existed in the "StackView" tree ,if it is there i want to make that particular Item as top item in "StackView",if it is not there i will push that particular "page"
How i can achieve this ??Component{ id:page1 Page{........} } Component{ id:page2 Page{........} } Component{ id:page3 Page{........} } StackView { id:sv initialItem: page1 }
@divaindie said in How to Identify an Item which i am going to push in stackview is already existed in stackview's stack ?:achieve
ApplicationWindow { id: window visible: true width: 600 height: 200 Component{ id:page1 Rectangle{ color: "red" } } Component{ id:page2 Rectangle{ color: "green" } } Component{ id:page3 Rectangle{ color:"blue" } } property variant pages : [page1,page2,page3] function setMenu(ind){ sv.push(pages[ind]) } RowLayout{ id:menuLayout Repeater{ model: pages.length Button{ text: "menu " + index onClicked: { setMenu(index) } } } } StackView { id:sv initialItem: page1 anchors{ top : menuLayout.bottom left:parent.left right:parent.right bottom:parent.bottom } } }
@divaindie said in How to Identify an Item which i am going to push in stackview is already existed in stackview's stack ?:
search weather this particular 'page' already existed in the "StackView" tree ,if it is there i want to make that particular Item as top item in "StackView",if it is not there i will push that particular "page"
you don't have to handle this