Move QT5 application to left or right with kdb shortcuts on Ubuntu 18.04
Most of the applications I use in Ubuntu 18.04 respond to Super+left arrow or Super+right arrow to place the window on the left or right side, as explained in
QT Creator works fine with Super+left and Super+right. It is built upon QT 5.x.
QGIS, made with QT5 that does not respond to these events.
I'm able to maximize and restore QGIS window with Super+Up Arrow and Super+Down Arrow, but not place it on the left or right.
Since it is a QT5 open source application, what can I do to make it able to move to the left or right with those standard key bindings?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since you only have that with QGIS, you should rather asked its authors to see if they can give you some clues.