SVG with effects are rendered as solid color
I drew a simple SVG with a blur effect. It is correctly rendered in any viewer (i.e. this) but in my Qt5 application it's painted with a solid color. It's a known limitation or I have to set up something:
Image { id: green source: "qrc:/items/svg/green-triangle.svg" }

For some reason the file is not shown... I put it here.
@Mark81 hi. I never used svg before. BUt I'M not sure it is about the type. Did you check these links:
@Yunus Please, read again the whole question. The effect is embedded into the SVG. If you want to try, you might download the file with the provided link and test it on any online service (like the one linked). It will show a blurred green triangle. When I show this in the qml application using the code above, it's rendered as a solid green triangle.
The SVG might contain elements not supported by the Qt SVG render.It implements the tiny spec. 1.2
So i guess the blur effect is not supported.