I'm not understanding separated multiaxis folder on QWT. please explain me.
yes it seems it has multiple axes.
https://www.qtcentre.org/threads/69050-Simple-example-with-QwtPlot-multiaxes -
According to your link, it should be in from Qwt 6.2 so not sure 6.1.3 has that
Cant you just use a newer version ?
https://sourceforge.net/projects/qwt/files/ -
make sure to select the right one for your platform. zip is windows, tar is linux.you need to install it exactly the saw way as you did with 6.1.3.
To avoid mixup, i would remove the old version first. (and reboot)
then install newer version -
You have to use the multiaxis branch, that can be found at https://svn.code.sf.net/p/qwt/code/branches/qwt-6.1-multiaxes.
The name of this branch has become misleading as it is somewhere in between the 6.2 branch and trunk ( 6.3 ) - but is totally unrelated to 6.1. The multiaxis feature is planned to become part of main line after 6.3, but it has not been decided in detail.