General and Desktop
I did simple static library :
class MY_SFTP : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: // ~~CN16K_SFTP(QObject *parent = nullptr);~~ MY_SFTP(QObject *parent = nullptr); Q_PROPERTY(bool connected READ connected WRITE setConnected NOTIFY connectedChanged) bool connected()const{ return m_connected; } void setConnected(const bool &co){ if(m_connected!=co){ m_connected = co; emit connectedChanged(m_connected); } } public slots: void connectToServer(QString url){ /*this will take 5 seconds*/ } signals: void connectedChanged(bool); private : bool m_connected; };
I import and use it in another project. I use it i a new QThread to not freeze my GUI, like this :
SftpUser::SftpUser(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { wt = new QThread(); m_sftp = new MY_SFTP(); m_sftp->moveToThread(wt); }
Is this a good approch or the QThread should be created in the lib itself ?
@LeLev said in Multithreading:
Is this a good approch or the QThread should be created in the lib itself ?
It's good. This way you leave users of your library a choice - they can use your class in thread or not.
By the way: your class name does not match the name of the constructor (which means that it is not a constructor). Probably a copy-paste error, but I point it out just in case.