How to routing between 2 points, when i have only the addresse and Problem with drawing the way
QML and Qt Quick
Hi, I have problem with routing between 2 points. So, I have:
```RouteModel { id: routeBetweenPoints plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" } query: RouteQuery {id: routeQuery } Component.onCompleted: { routeQuery.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(51.318784,12.2773504 )); routeQuery.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(51.3117764,12.280909000000065 )); update(); } }
And I want route between 2 points, only by using the Addresse.
Button { id: sendDataToItem width: 100 height: 40 x: app_window.width / 2.7 text: "Send"
onClicked: { = txtFromAddressCountry.text; = txtFromAddressCity.text; fromAddress.street = txtFromAddressStreet.text; fromAddress.postalCode = txtFromAddressPostalCode.text; = txtToAddressCountry.text; = txtToAddressCity.text; toAddress.street = txtToAddressStreet.text; toAddress.postalCode = txtToAddressPostalCode.text; //console.log(fromAddress); } } //sendDataToItem
But it doesn't work, beacouse i need to use the coordinates. And I don't know, how I can translate the adrdresse to coordinates. And of the another side, when I use all whta is inside onClicked, then i don't see th way which i draw
RouteModel { id: routeBetweenPoints plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" } query: RouteQuery {id: routeQuery } Component.onCompleted: { routeQuery.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(51.318784,12.2773504 )); routeQuery.addWaypoint(QtPositioning.coordinate(51.3117764,12.280909000000065 )); update(); } }
Know someone the resoult for this problem?
@DragonCoder said in How to routing between 2 points, when i have only the addresse and Problem with drawing the way:
And I don't know, how I can translate the adrdresse to coordinates.
see GeocodeModel