Focus shift across qml files without using focusscope id
Hello All,
There is scenario, where it is required to shift focus across qml files(Components).
import QtQuick 2.0
Row{ Rectangle{ id : rect3 color: activeFocus ? "grey" : "green" ; width : 100 height : 100 focus: true KeyNavigation.right: rect4 KeyNavigation.left: ib1 } Rectangle{ id : rect4 color: activeFocus ? "grey" : "yellow" ; width : 100 height : 100 KeyNavigation.left: rect3 KeyNavigation.right: ib1 } }
import QtQuick 2.0
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
id : rect1
color: activeFocus ? "red" : "grey";
width : 100
height : 100
focus: true
KeyNavigation.right: rect2
KeyNavigation.left: vm1} Rectangle{ id : rect2 color: activeFocus ? "blue" : "grey"; width : 100 height : 100 KeyNavigation.left: rect1 KeyNavigation.right: vm1 } }
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Window {
visible: truetitle: qsTr("Hello World") function focusshift() {
//Is it possible to do focus shift between mod1 and mod2 without using focusscope id ?
} Component.onCompleted: { focusshift(); }
Thanks in advance
Not possible without FocusScope. Qn - What is the problem are you trying to solve ?
Problem statement :
What is the best approach to dynamically create components and assign key navigation focus ?
If you are using the dynamic component KeyNavigation is complicated to achieve. You can use the FocusScope and achieve the same.