fatal error: QtMultimedia/qaudioformat.h: No such file or directory
I'm trying a qt project using libdash from this link. When I try to compile,it gives me error:
fatal error: QtMultimedia/qaudioformat.h: No such file or directory
#include "QtMultimedia/qaudioformat.h"
This project makes use of cmake.
I tried ,
sudo apt-get install qtmultimedia5-dev
#include "QtMultimedia/QAudioformat.h"
Simple #include "QtMultimedia" is also giving me error.
When I gave locate qt,it gave me several lines which includes;
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtMultimedia/qaudioformat.h.So it seems,the file which Im trying to access is present in the system;but it is not getting accessed;this project makes use of cmake;Any suggestions/inputs will be really useful!!Thanks in advance..
As the documentation states, you should use
#include <QAudioFormat>
. -
@Adit said in fatal error: QtMultimedia/qaudioformat.h: No such file or directory:
Thanks for the reply @sierdzio ;I tried using it;it gives me error:
fatal error: QAudioFormat.h: No such file or directory #include <QAudioFormat.h>No ".h".
Then your cmake files are wrong, probably. I don't know cmake so can't help here.
Qt's documentation has a chapter about cmake.