My QML application is very slow
what are you doing in main.qml ? Are you calling any c++ method which takes lot of time ?
Do you have good OpenGL drivers? Or using some software renderer (mesa)?
what you're looking for is theQML Profiler
@dheerendra . My main qml contains ApplicationWindow. The application has toolbar with toolbutton which when it is clicked, opens a drawer. Drawer contains Listview which is fed by C++ model. I used delegate for each list item. Partial code snippet looks like one below. I dont think there is heavy processing in C++ too.
ToolBar { id: toolbar property real buttonHeight: 40 property real buttonWidth: 40 width: itemWidth height: buttonHeight anchors.left: tabtoolitem.left ToolButton { id: toolButton1 width: toolbar.buttonWidth height: toolbar.buttonHeight text: "\u2630" anchors.left: parent.left onClicked: { } } } Drawer { id: drawer property real drawerWidth: parent.width * 0.2 property real drawerHeight: parent.height - toolbar.height width: drawerWidth height: drawerHeight ListView { id: checkList width: parent.width - 20 height: parent.height - 50 property real delegateWidth: width property real delegateHeight: 50 model: hwmodel delegate: Item { height: checkList.delegateHeight width: checkList.delegateWidth // color: index % 2 == 0 ? "steelblue" : "lightgreen" Text { // text: name + ": " + number text: " " + name + ":" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: parent.left } CheckBox { checked: selected anchors.right: parent.right onCheckedChanged: { selected = checked } } } }
You should not use anchors + width and height. This is highly suboptimal and makes the UI hard to extend.
Either use pure anchors, or layouts.
Other than that, the code looks ok-ish. So, as others have suggested: check if your C++ code (
?) is fast, and check performance bottlenecks in QML Profiler. -
@sierdzio. How can we achieve the dimensions I want if I dont use both anchors and width, height. I am only using anchors for a side of the UI and determine the width and height from that point. I also find it not easy to use QML profiler, is there any examples which i could follow.
If you have to set width and height to something specific:
- using anchors: set dimensions for parent item, but in children use
anchors.fill: parent
- using layouts: set preferred width / preferred height
- using anchors: set dimensions for parent item, but in children use
@milan said in My QML application is very slow:
I also find it not easy to use QML profiler, is there any examples which i could follow.
Identify the largest boxes - these take the most time. And for small boxes which repeat a lot. Any improvements you do to these parts will speed your app up considerably.