QT 5.11 TvOS Development
Mobile and Embedded
I've been trying to compile a sample project for AppleTV Simulator without success.
Looking at https://wiki.qt.io/Support_for_iOS_and_tvOS it is mentioned:
Get the right tools in your path: You'll find the iOS or tvOS Qt SDK has both (e.g for Qt 5.10) 5.10/clang_64/bin/ and 5.10/ios/bin or 5.10/tvos/bin. The clang_64 one is for macOS; make sure it's the iOS or tvOS version of the tools is in your path for the below.
But there isn't a <QT_VERSION>/tvos/ folder. Looking at QT installer, there's no option to add TVOS support (only basic iOS Support).
Also, if I open the AppleTV simulator and try to run a basic project on it, I get the following message:
14:28:27: Starting remote process. dyld: program was built for a platform that is not supported by this runtime 14:28:28: Run ended.
Does anybody know what is going wrong or could provide a sample project that runs on appletv simulator?
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