QtQuick App crashe - Qt 5.11.x MSVC-2017 Static build
QML and Qt Quick
We have build Qt 5.11.x. using MSVC-2017. Qt build was successful. Kit is configured in Qt creator. Kit configuration, compiler, qmake everything is fine.
- I create default Qt Widgets application - Build is fine. Application runs. No issues.
- I create default Qt Quick Application - Build is fine. Application does not run. It just crashes.
Any hints on why Qt Quick Application crashes with Qt 5.11.x static build ?
If you build the application from Qt Creator using static kit, it will not work. Build the app from command line.
- Set the VC environment variables(check vcvars.bat x86 and run it)
- qmake test.pro
- nmake
Now it will build and run.