how to refresh the QTabstractItemmode
I have a backend data and QTabstractItemmode fetches data backend
I am backend data is changed , how can I asked the QAtableView and its QAbstractitemmodel to fetch the data get or refres h the data
what is method of qabstractmodel to notify to start fetching data again
A sample example will be helpful
What backend wold that be ?
C++ Table
That's a be light on information...
What kind of table is that ?
From where do you fill it ?
How are you filling it ? -
it is
class Record {
int rowId;
string filed1
string filed}
I have vector of such record class
@SGaist said in how to refresh the QTabstractItemmode:
That's a be light on information...
What kind of table is that ?
From where do you fill it ?
How are you filling it ?Can you please answer all the questions asked ?