Interfacing qml and c++
Hello I am trying to change the property in qml file using some c++ code.
But when i build it, it is giving following errors.The program has unexpectedly finished.
"QQmlComponent:Component is not ready". Here is my code.void NTUserSettingsModel::installPulseWidthToFrequencyHandler() { NTUserSetting * pulseWidth = m_settingsMap.value(NTUserSetting::ID_PULSE_WIDTH); NTUserSetting * frequency = m_settingsMap.value(NTUserSetting::ID_FREQUENCY); qCDebug(LC_NTUserSettingsModel())<< "pulseWidth is changed"; QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral("Sources/QmlSources.qrc:/QML/Components/NTSpinBox.qml"))); QObject *object = component.create(); object->setProperty("color","white"); delete object; if(pulseWidth && frequency) { connect(pulseWidth, &NTUserSetting::beforeValueChanged, this, &NTUserSettingsModel::adjustFrequencyForPulseWidth); connect(frequency, &NTUserSetting::beforeValueChanged, this, &NTUserSettingsModel::adjustPulseWidthForFrequency); } }
Is it correct way to give the path? How i have given inside my "QQmlComponent component". I think, it is not identifying the file in the path. How can i solve this issue? Thanks in advance.
@JennyAug13 said in Interfacing qml and c++:
QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral("Sources/QmlSources.qrc:/QML/Components/NTSpinBox.qml")));
try replacing this with
QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral(":/QML/Components/NTSpinBox.qml")));
@JennyAug13 said in Interfacing qml and c++:
is not a valid url, thus the component never reaches the ready state.
did you meanqrc:/QML/Components/NTSpinBox.qml
instead? -
I'm a bit confused here, does a QQmlEngine that is created as a local stack variable continue to exist after the end of the function scope?
@J.Hilk said in Interfacing qml and c++:
I'm a bit confused here, does a QQmlEngine that is created as a local stack variable continue to exist after the end of the function scope?
of course not. I haven't noticed this. :)
The mentioned error message is not related to this, but this would definitively be the next issue. -
alright. I thought maybe some magic happens somewhere ;-)this seems like a potential 3rd problem as well;
Creating a coponent, setting a property and than deleting it in more or less the same step. The compiler may even skip
the whole step during the optimization process.QObject *object = component.create(); object->setProperty("color","white"); delete object;
@raven-worx Yes it is ```
QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/QML/Components/NTIntensityControl.qml"))); -
anyway, like in your other post the biggest issue is:QObject *object = component.create(); object->setProperty("color","white"); delete object;
But the problem still exist, the problem is not with ```
QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/QML/Components/NTIntensityControl.qml")));
but donot know, how can i change property in my qml file using c++ code and here is my qml file for your reference.
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import "../Theme" Item { id: ntSpinBox objectName: "ntSpinBox" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// the currently selected value property var value: undefined // using var for generic list value support /// the minimum value of the range property double minimumValue: 0.0 /// the maximum value of the range property double maximumValue: 10.0 /// the stepSize for incrementing / decrementing values property double stepSize: 1.0 /// a list / array of values to select from property var itemList: undefined /// Color of the buttons property color color: Theme.palette.button // speed of continuous update (press and hold) in stepSizes / sec property int continuousSpeed: Theme.settings.spinBoxSpeed /// determine if the value can be decremented further readonly property bool canDec: (itemList === undefined) ? (value > minimumValue) : (selectedIndex > 0) /// determine if the value can be incremented further readonly property bool canInc: (itemList === undefined) ? (value < maximumValue) : (selectedIndex < (itemList.length-1)) /// if an itemList is set, this property holds the index of the currently /// selected item readonly property int selectedIndex: d.listIndex /// size of a button, internally used only readonly property real buttonSize: Math.min(ntSpinBox.width / 2, ntSpinBox.height) property bool greyout: false /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inherited Properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// implicitWidth: implicitHeight * 2 + Theme.diPaddingX implicitHeight: Theme.diControlHeight /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Signals /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// signal userSetVal(); signal incBeyondMax(); ///< user tried to set a value > maximumValue /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Slots /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Component.onCompleted: { d.updateListIndex(); } onValueChanged: { d.updateListIndex(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private data /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QtObject { id: d property int listIndex: 0 property bool hasListItems: ntSpinBox.itemList !== undefined property real currentThreshold: ntSpinBox.maximumValue onListIndexChanged: { if (d.hasListItems) { ntSpinBox.value = ntSpinBox.itemList[d.listIndex]; } } function updateListIndex() { if (!d.hasListItems) { return; } var newListIndex = itemList.indexOf(ntSpinBox.value); if (newListIndex !== d.listIndex && newListIndex !== -1) { d.listIndex = newListIndex; } } /// set new value if it is in specified range function setValue(newVal) { if (newVal <= ntSpinBox.maximumValue && newVal >= ntSpinBox.minimumValue) { ntSpinBox.value = newVal; userSetVal(); } } function setListIndex(newIdx) { if (newIdx >= 0 && newIdx < itemList.length) { d.listIndex = newIdx; } } /// increment value by specified stepSize function inc() { var newVal = 0; if (d.hasListItems) { newVal = d.listIndex+1; setListIndex(newVal); } else { newVal = ntSpinBox.value + ntSpinBox.stepSize; setValue(newVal); } if(newVal > ntSpinBox.maximumValue) { incBeyondMax(); } } /// decrement value by specified stepSize function dec() { if (d.hasListItems) { setListIndex(d.listIndex-1); } else { setValue(ntSpinBox.value - ntSpinBox.stepSize); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Child Components /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Decrement Button NTActionButton { id: minusButton objectName: "minusButton" anchors.left: parent.left enabled: canDec greyout: ntSpinBox.greyout pressAndHoldEnable: true pressAndHoldInterval: 1000 / continuousSpeed color: ntSpinBox.color size: ntSpinBox.buttonSize iconSource: itemList ? Theme.icons.back : Theme.icons.minus sound: Theme.sounds.minusButtonSound onAction: { d.dec(); } } // Increment Button NTActionButton { id: plusButton objectName: "plusButton" anchors.right: parent.right enabled: canInc greyout: ntSpinBox.greyout pressAndHoldEnable: true pressAndHoldInterval: 1000 / continuousSpeed color: ntSpinBox.color size: ntSpinBox.buttonSize iconSource: itemList ? : sound: Theme.sounds.plusButtonSound onAction: {; } } }