Nearly black QPixmap from QImage when using a converted 16-bit image
I have the following code which works perfectly well on 8-bit grayscale images (OpenCV for loading):
auto image = cv::imread(current_imagepath.toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED|cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH); auto display_image = image.clone(); QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_Grayscale8; QImage qi(, display_image.cols, display_image.rows, format);"temp_qimage.png"); pixmap.fromImage(qi);"temp_pixmap.png"); // Do other stuff to display the pixmap etc.
I've added the calls to
for debugging. I then tried to do the same for a 16-bit image, scaled to 8-bit.:if(image.elemSize() == 2){ // Basic 16-bit crush double minval, maxval; cv::minMaxIdx(image, &minval, &maxval); double range = maxval-minval; double scale_factor = 255.0/range; display_image -= minval; display_image *= scale_factor; display_image.convertTo(display_image, CV_8U); }
The resulting QImage is still saved correctly, but the pixmap is now uniform dark grey (everything gets set to an intensity of 29 - not sure if it's different for every picture). I also tried saving with OpenCV and running a histogram, the conversion is definitely an 8-bit image.
Is there something missing here? As far as I can tell there's no difference between me loading an 8-bit image vs a 16-bit image and converting.
(The raw is a tiff file, which the forum won't let me upload).
EDIT: I've had a play and it seems that if I generate a QImage manually, converting it to a QPixmap fails. For example:
QImage MainWindow::convert16(const cv::Mat &source){ short* pSource = reinterpret_cast<short*>(; QImage dest(512, 640, QImage::Format_RGB32); int pixelCounts = dest.width() * dest.height(); double minval, maxval; cv::minMaxIdx(source, &minval, &maxval); double range = maxval-minval; double scale_factor = 255.0/range; uchar* pDest = dest.bits(); for (int i = 0; i < pixelCounts; i++) { uchar value = 255; //(uchar) (*(pSource) - minval)*(255.0/range); *(pDest++) = value; // B *(pDest++) = 0; // G *(pDest++) = 0; // R *(pDest++) = 0; // Alpha pSource++; }"test.png"); return dest; }
the code has been modified to produce a completely blue image, but the pixmap (e.g.
) is still black. On the other hand, this works:QTemporaryDir dir; if (dir.isValid()) { convert16(display_image).save(dir.path()+"/temp.png"); pixmap.load(dir.path()+"/temp.png"); }
So I'm at a loss why converting straight to a pixmap fails.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Might be a silly question but is it a typo:
since the parameter is missing ?Why not use the cv::Mat size to create your QImage at the correct size ?