Mouse ShortCut menu on DialogWindows?
General and Desktop
Normally I use ShortCut Menu on Mainwindow like below code
In constructor:ui->tVDetay->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->tVDetay, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(ShowContextMenuTalep(const QPoint&)));
And the pordedure is:
void StokBilgiGiris::ShowContextMenuTalep(const QPoint& pos) { QPoint globalPos = ui->tVDetay->mapToGlobal(pos); QMenu myMenuX; myMenuX.addAction("Stok Bilgisi Göster"); QAction* selectedItem = myMenuX.exec(globalPos); // Hiçbir şey tıklanmazsa hata vermesin diye... :) if (selectedItem == nullptr) return; QModelIndex index; index = ui->tVDetay->currentIndex(); if(!index.isValid()) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Seçim Hatası", "Seçili bir satır olması gerekir!"); return; } if (selectedItem->text() == "Stok Bilgisi Göster" ) { } }
But I don' know why Below line has error
QMenu myMenuX;
And teh error message is:
D:\Belgeler\Qt\CSI_Yonetim\stokbilgigiris.cpp:65: error: variable has incomplete type 'QMenu'
D:\ProgramFiles\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\include\QtWidgets\qlineedit.h:54: forward declaration of 'QMenu'What is the problem?
Mucip:) -
You are missing
#include <QMenu>
.The incomplete type error means that you are missing the definition of the class which usually means that you didn't include the corresponding header.
You won't have any linker error since the code cannot be compiled because of the missing include.