Multisampling: QSurfaceformat::samples() always returns -1
Game Development
Hi all,
I am using QOpenGLWidget to render 3D scene and I want to turn on MSAA even before my App is running.
This is what I do now:
SurfaceFormat format; format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL); format.setVersion(3, 3); format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile); format.setSwapBehavior(QSurfaceFormat::DoubleBuffer); int samples = format.setSamples(8) // int samples = format.samples()
However, either samples() or setSamples(int) returns -1. I wonder if I need to turn on something from OpenGL side. Therefore I did this before setting up format:
initializeOpenGLFunctions(); glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE);
As you may guess, setSamples(8) still returns -1. I begin to doubt if my system doesn't support MSAA at all. But I don't know how to check it. Could you please help me out? Either checking if my system could support multisampling or the correct way to use multisampling. Thanks
Note: Platform: Qt5.6 + Ubuntu16.04 + C++14