Layout of application is broken on Android 8.0
Mobile and Embedded
I have some problem with Android 8.0.
Layout of application is completely broken, I got messages to Qt Creator:(...) E MemoryLeakMonitorManager: MemoryLeakMonitor.jar is not exist! E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! I HwCust : Constructor found for class D HwCust : Create obj success use class V HwPolicyFactory: : success to get AllImpl object and return.... I HwCust : Constructor found for class D HwCust : Create obj success use class V ActivityThread: ActivityThread,callActivityOnCreate V HwWidgetFactory: : successes to get AllImpl object and return.... W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: D HwGalleryCacheManagerImpl: mIsEffect:false D CubicBezierInterpolator: CubicBezierInterpolator mControlPoint1x = 0.23, mControlPoint1y = 0.06, mControlPoint2x = 0.09, mControlPoint2y = 0.97 D CubicBezierInterpolator: CubicBezierInterpolator mControlPoint1x = 0.6, mControlPoint1y = 0.9, mControlPoint2x = 0.8, mControlPoint2y = 1.0 D CubicBezierInterpolator: CubicBezierInterpolator mControlPoint1x = 0.23, mControlPoint1y = 0.06, mControlPoint2x = 0.09, mControlPoint2y = 0.97 D CubicBezierInterpolator: CubicBezierInterpolator mControlPoint1x = 0.6, mControlPoint1y = 0.9, mControlPoint2x = 0.8, mControlPoint2y = 1.0 W Utils : Utils_isSuperResolutionSupport [load failed] I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=28KB, data=30KB I zygote : After code cache collection, code=28KB, data=30KB I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB W WindowDecorActionBar: should not do the transition or the transition anim is null or it is running or the mContainer view is null or mContainer view hasn't been drawn to screen E HwResourcesImpl: readDefaultConfig : FileNotFoundException W HwResourcesImpl: icon in pkg com.test.test is too large.sDefaultSizeWithoutEdge = 195bmp.getWidth() = 3413 I QtCore : Start W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/app/com.test.test-wWiWlGDSZgNwkhZEwWtzTQ==/lib/arm/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 W linker : "/data/data/com.test.test/qt-reserved-files/plugins/platforms/android/" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x81 (...)
I tested application on Android 8.0 2 months ago and I didn't notice any problems (apk file is not changed (?)).
On older Androids application works properly.Tools and settings:
NDK: r16b
SDK: 27, 26, 24, 22, 21, 19; selected: 27
Qt: 5.11.1Question is: Is this a bug? Or probably my mistake?