lupdate is not producing .ts files for me
General and Desktop
I'm diving into using the translation features for the first time and can't seem to generate the .ts files I need. When I run lupdate, I just get an error message that no .ts file has been specified, and no files are generated. The docs I've read don't say anything about specifying a .ts file. How do I get this to work?
This is my command prompt:
D:\dev\starling2\game\2019\GoldfinchQt>lupdate -verbose Info: creating stash file D:\dev\starling2\game\2019\GoldfinchQt\.qmake.stash lupdate warning: no TS files specified. Only diagnostics will be produced for 'D:/dev/starling2/game/2019/GoldfinchQt/'.
hi @kitfox
there are two ways I know of. The, in my opinion, best way is to specify your translation files inside your *.pro file
TRANSLATIONS = myApp_de.ts \ .... myApp_en.ts
if you don't want to do it this way, than you'll have to specify a file.ts name as argument to the lUpdate program call.
I know this works, but I'm unsure where exactly to place the file-argument. So I can't give you an example for that.