QIntValidator not Working as Im expecting
QIntValidator not Working as Im expecting
Im set the validation on LineFdit like thisintValidator = new QIntValidator(1,999, this);
uiPoMo->lineEdit_stId1->setValidator(intValidator);but still LineEdit field accepting '0' and '+' ..?
I want to accept only 1 to 999 integer value.
Thanks in Advance.
set an Input mask as well, something like:... uiPoMo->lineEdit_stId1->setInputMask("00D"); uiPoMo->lineEdit_stId1->setValidator(intValidator);
You might want to take a look at this:
The article is QML based, but the principles are the same and its a pretty good explanation.
@VRonin said in QIntValidator not Working as Im expecting:
uiPoMo->lineEdit_stId1->setValidator(new QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression("[1-9]\d{0,2}"),this));
Its works for me
Thank you so much to all.