Regarding QTBUG-2982 StyleSheet re-apply "qproperty-" and co. on pseudo state changes.
It would be very nice if this was fixed. However, I tried to do the hack fix the Qt Support suggested by doing style()->polish(this).
However this doesn't seem to work.
QPushButton#btnInfo {
qproperty-icon: url(:/Resources/icons/pause_hover.png);
image: url(:/Resources/GUI/cards/buttons/pausebtn_hover.png);
}QPushButton#btnInfo:hover {
qproperty-icon: url(:/Resources/icons/info_hover.png);
image: url(:/Resources/GUI/cards/buttons/pausebtn_down.png);
@I've tried it in a variety of ways:
etc.Any ideas of what I could do?
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