Same problem different compiler -- Need qmake to specify the "-std" flags when invoking g++
I went into the .pro file and added
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++1z
But I still see the same problem where qmake is not generating Makefile with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11
So I am trying to force qmake to specify the "-std" flags when invoking g++
How did you install that compiler ?
How did you install Qt ? -
Why not use the MinGW version that is provided with the Qt installer ?
What reason did they give to not use Qt 5 ?
I use the QT prompt to compile because otherwise nothing happens when i do a
I would like to do that but I haven't been able to figure out how to get it done. When I do any kind of qmake outside the Qt prompt.
They give no reason. They just inform you that you are not able to build with Qt 5
If you are outside of Qt's prompt you need to either use the full path to the
file. Or you have to extend the PATH environment variable to include your build of Qt's bin folder.