ScreenOrientationAuto not working on N950 meego device
I develop an application using html5 project but Following code is not working on N950 device.
QApplication app(argc, argv);Html5ApplicationViewer viewer; viewer.setOrientation(Html5ApplicationViewer::ScreenOrientationAuto); viewer.showExpanded(); viewer.loadFile(QLatin1String("html/index.html")); return app.exec();
Hi I suppose that your previous post was solved ?
I hav experienced that the ScreenOrientation mode in the main.cpp don't works good. Try to comment the line 4 of your code snippet and set the orientation type directly in the pages if you use QML components or try simply without it. As I know, the ScreenOrientationAuto is set by default when the application start.
Note: on N950 devices the physical keyboard - if open - force the landscape orientation regardless of the settings you have in the application.
I am not using QmlComponent, In my application i have html pages and i am developing application using html5 Qt template.
Sorry I thought to QML.
What do you mean exactly that your code is not working ?
code is working but orientation is not working and not changing view to potrait mode for this pupose i implemented it on .css file to rotate like this.
.MainTable{-webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -moz-transform: rotate(270deg); -o-transform: rotate(270deg) ;
@ -
I think that ths maybe a bug. Reflecting on my parallel case in C++ / QML I see that anything I set in the main.cpp source code (like your settings) I get unrelieable results so I should force the orientation in the pages where it is needed.
Thus in your case that without QML you shoud count on only the initial settings if they don't work this is the reason of your wrong result.
With css set it works correctly ? -
it rotate my main table to 270 degree, looks ok.
The origin of the problem maybe the same bug. Notify it with a bug report, please.