MP3 AutoPlay & Looping with QML
How to autoplay & looping an audio (mp3) file with QML?
I've tried using Audio component from QtMultimediaKit but it didn't do the job :(
the autoLoad property that should automatically play the audio didn't affect at all..
the other problem goes when I use mp3 file. The file didn't played in full duration but it's fine with wav fileThanks..
What target are you using? Can you give more information on the QML ?
I think that maybe a problem of loading completion when the application start but it is only an intuition...
Please post more information about the code, where is the example, something that can help us to understand what maybe the problem, thank you.
here is my code..
import QtQuick 1.1
import com.meego 1.0
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1Page {
id: mainPageAudio { id: music source: "soundtrackFast.mp3" autoLoad: true } orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait
@and here is the documentation:
I think that it is not so simple to manage it. Regarding autoload property, it maybe a bug because reading the documentation there is not more to do. Just try to remove the setting because the autoLoad is set to tru by default. Sometimes I ecperienced that setting a default value again the result was not what I expected.
Then the problem that the media in the MP3 case is not played for full, I think that maybe a buffering problem and/or that there are some differences respect the wav format to know the duration i.e. the file lenght. Let me a while and I will search about this. I have found something about the tricks to manage the mp3 files correctly but in this moment I can't see where.