How to pass an attribut to an another class.
I 'am trying to pass an attribut to another class but it doesn't working.
Anybody's knows the good method ?
In my mainwindow.cpp i catch a QString path (filepath_var) and i whant to pass it in window dialog in order to make a traitement on QFiles and display a chart.
please help me.
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Load_File_clicked()
QString Filter = "All files (.) ;; Text Files (*.txt)";
QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Ouvrir un fichier",QDir::homePath(), Filter);QFile File_R(filename); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {QMessageBox::information(this, "Pas de fichier selectionner", "Pas de fichier chargée !");} //else //{QMessageBox::information(this,tr("ouvert"),filename);} QFileInfo fi(filename); QString filename_aff = fi.fileName(); QString filepath_var =(fi.filePath()); ui->lineEdit_2->setText(filename_aff);
Graph_az_cons::Graph_az_cons(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Graph_az_cons)
ui->setupUi(this);QString filename = ("C:/Users/Documents/outil/reg.txt"); QFile File_R(filename); if (!File_R(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
{QMessageBox::information(this, "Pas de fichier selectionner", "Pas de fichier chargée !");}
QTextStream flux(&File_R);
while(!flux.atEnd()){ QString line = flux.readLine();
Sorry but i tried, it is not working :
I put
Graph_az_cons(QString fileName, QWidget *parent) :
in my graph_az_cons.cpp and my graph_az_cons.h
but Qt return to me a error's message : no matching function for call to Graph_az_cons(MainWindow*)'
Code in my main window to call my Qdialog is
if (ui->checkBox_az_cons->isChecked())
{ graph_az_cons = new Graph_az_cons(this); graph_az_cons->show(); }
I don't known ??
You took @jsulm 's suggestion of changing the dialog's constructor to:Graph_az_cons(QString fileName, QWidget *parent) :
So it now accepts a file name string as its first parameter, right?
So do you not think you need to change your call
graph_az_cons = new Graph_az_cons(this);
to actually pass whatever the file name is to the constructor from this line? That is the point of the change you are making.
Yess ! it's working
I put in my Mainwindow
if (ui->checkBox_az_cons->isChecked())
{ graph_az_cons = new Graph_az_cons(filepath_var,this); graph_az_cons->show(); }
in my graph_az_cons.h
explicit Graph_az_cons( QString filename, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
~Graph_az_cons();and in my my graph_az_cons.cpp
Graph_az_cons::Graph_az_cons(QString filename,QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Graph_az_cons)