I need help getting Placemarks to show on my MarbleWidget with addGeoDataString
I believe I've got the correct function to put Placemarks on my MarbleWidget:
@void addGeoDataString (const QString &data, const QString &key="data")@
to put the Point indicated in this kml string onto my MarbleWidget
@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Houlton International Airport</name>
<description>Weather Station</description>
</kml>@but I'm getting nothing to appear.
( "xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"" keeps getting cropped out of my kml open tag )Is my kml correct?
Do I need to call another function on MarbleWidget to display the newly added Points in the model?
I've left the second parameter empty, as it has a default, and frankly (from the "documentation":http://api.kde.org/4.6-api/kdeedu-apidocs/marble/html/classMarble_1_1MarbleWidget.html#a429644198835fbfc15982e552c41cc62)
data- the string containing the Placemarks.
key- the string needed to identify the data@I don't know what "data" is supposed to indicate.
I've gone back in MarbleWidget source code, where the parameters flip-flopped places enough times to tangle me up.Mostly, I think this is probably a simple thing, and that I'm overlooking something obvious.
Anyone have a clue for me? -
I think you will get more and better replies on a question on Marble in a "mailinglist":https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/marble-devel dedicated to it.
Andre, Thanks, you are correct. I also asked there, and got this reply...
(I'll include for anyone else looking for this response)
Hi,I think that you need to update the data model so that the new placemark
appears on the mapwidget. A call to
(working with the latest code on git) should do it, but it maybe slow if you need to add many placemarks.I am working on adding a function "addFeature" to GeoDataTreeModel which will work the same way as addDocument, updating only the data you replaced, which should work better if you have a large number of placemarks to add. It works fine in single-threaded mode (see attached file for a patch).
If you want to give it a try, you will have to create your kml tree, something like:
Marble::GeoDataDocument *mydoc=new Marble::GeoDataDocument();
mydoc->setFileName("mydocument.kml"); //Will identify the document internally, must be unique
mydoc->setName("My_GeoDataDocument"); //Name for visualisation in MarbleWidgetMarble::GeoDataFolder *myfolder=new Marble::GeoDataFolder; myfolder->setName("My first folder"); //(setName from base class GeoDataFeature, inherited from GeoDataContainer) Marble::GeoDataPlacemark *myplacemark=new Marble::GeoDataPlacemark; myplacemark->setName("A placemark in a folder"); marblewidget->model()->treeModel()->addDocument(mydoc); marblewidget->model()->treeModel()->addFeature(mydoc, myfolder); marblewidget->model()->treeModel()->addFeature(myfolder, myplacemark);
You can also retrieve an existing element GeoData... structure from its QModelIndex (for instance, if you loaded an existing document with a
call to MarbleWidget::addDocument(QString) ):
GeoDataObject* geoobject = static_cast<GeoDataObject*>( modelindex.internalPointer()
@I have added GeoDataTreeModel::index(GeoDataFeature*) function to recover the QModelIndex of a feature already present in the treemodel, I am not sure if there is an easier way to get the model (I go through up the tree upto top-level node m_rootDocument, and then build the index downwards, any ideas?).
The attached code is work in progress. My plan is to include:
- Implement a removeFeature function
- Reimplement calls to addDocument and removeDocument with calls to new functions addFeature and removeFeature (so that all the code to do the update is centered in a single function).
- Add protection for multithreaded operation. With code on svn (and my patch as it is) a single call to addDocument from a thread different of the main thread causes the application to crash.
I am having some trouble with multithreading, I will send a message to the list asking for help on this later.
I will be glad to hear any feedback you may have on the patch, I will submit it to reviewboard when it is complete.
Javier[/quote]Edit: added a bit of markup. Especially on code sections, could you please use @ tags to properly format them?; Andre