QPrinter/QPainter to print on Android device
Hi Forum,
I would like to print via QPrinter a document on a printer that is installed on my Android tablet. Unfortunately it does not work. When I display the QPrintDialog to choose the printer, only printing to a PDF file is possible. When I request which printers are available through QPrinterInfo :: availablePrinterNames, the answer is : no printer is available. Drivers for my HP printer are installed on my tablet and a standard application is able to print a document on my printer. I specify that the same code works perfectly on Windows and that I set all the permissions ("Any") in the manifest of the Android application. My environment is: Cross-compile Win10 / Android, Android NDKr10e, SDK: android-21, Qt 5.11, JDK 1.8.0_20, Ant 1.9.7 and the device target is on Android 5.1.1. Is it necessary to install an other package, an other application? Something more to declare in the manifest.xml ? A special configuration ? Anything else ?
An idea ? Has anyone encountered the problem? If yes, how did you solve it?
Thank a lot for your explanations/suggestions/clarifications/remarks.Regards,