OpenGL ES and large textures
General and Desktop
Greetings Qt enthusiasts,
I'm on Windows 10 with Qt 5.11.1.
I'm building this video browser with Qt + libVLC and recently switched to the OpenGL ES backend:
Coming from the Desktop OpenGL backend I immediately noticed how faster it was at resizing windows, and it felt like the proper way to go.
Unfortunately when playing a 1440p video the CPU usage increases and the rendering gets slower, like way slower than classic OpenGL. Is there a flag or some configuration to alter OpenGL ES behavior with larger textures that update frequently.
PS: my player is based on vertex and fragment shaders for rendering (
For the record here are the shaders I'm currently using:
/* virtual */ const char * WBackendVlcShader::vertexShader() const { return "#version 100\n" "attribute highp vec4 vertex;" "attribute highp vec2 fragment;" "uniform highp mat4 position;" "varying highp vec2 vector;" "void main()" "{" "gl_Position = position * vertex;" "vector = fragment;" "}"; } /* virtual */ const char * WBackendVlcShader::fragmentShader() const { return "#version 100\n" "uniform sampler2D y;" "uniform sampler2D u;" "uniform sampler2D v;" "uniform mediump mat4 matrix;" "varying highp vec2 vector;" "uniform lowp float opacity;" "void main()" "{" "highp vec4 color = vec4(texture2D(y,," "texture2D(u,," "texture2D(v,, 1.0);" "gl_FragColor = matrix * color * opacity;" "}"; }