Strings to QTreeWidget
I have 2 strings 1 button and 1 QTreeWidget.
QString errors = "Error1,Error2,Error3,Error4"
QString errorslinks = ",,,"And I have QTreeWidget.
First I need split " , " QString errors after that I must add to QTreeWidget all errors like toplevel.
And for example I selected Error1 and clicked button will open Selected error2 clicked button will open can I do this can you help me please ?
Take a look at using QTreeWidget. -
Hi! Try my solution:
#ifndef TEST_H #define TEST_H #include <QWidget> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QTreeWidgetItem> #include <QDesktopServices> #include <QUrl> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QDebug> // The structure to maintain order: error => errorLink struct MyStruct { QString error; QString errorLink; }; namespace Ui { class Test; } class Test : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Test(QWidget *parent = nullptr); QLayout *setMyLayout(); QVector<MyStruct> addErrorData(MyStruct errorDataStruct, QVector<MyStruct> errorDataVector); void displayErrorData(QVector<MyStruct> errorDataVector); ~Test(); private: Ui::Test *ui; }; #endif // TEST_H
#include "test.h" #include "ui_test.h" Test::Test(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::Test) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->treeWidget->setHeaderHidden(true); ui->treeWidget->setIndentation(0); ui->pushButton->setText("Load error link"); // Lambda code executes the click signal of the button connect(ui->pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]() -> void { // Checks if the items is selected, otherwise displays the error if (ui->treeWidget->selectedItems().count() != NULL) { // Displays the current selected item data and opens it with the default browser QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(ui->treeWidget->currentItem()->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString())); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "Please select the item from the list and try again!", QMessageBox::Ok); } }); // Sets the main layout setLayout(setMyLayout()); // Initialize the structure MyStruct errorDataStruct = {}; // Initialize the vector with a structure QVector<MyStruct> errorDataVector; // Adds the error data to a vector structure and displays it in the QTreeWidget displayErrorData(addErrorData(errorDataStruct, errorDataVector)); } QLayout *Test::setMyLayout() { QHBoxLayout *errorLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); errorLayout->addWidget(ui->treeWidget); QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); buttonLayout->addWidget(ui->pushButton, 1, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom); QVBoxLayout *testMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); testMainLayout->addLayout(errorLayout); testMainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout); return testMainLayout; } QVector<MyStruct> Test::addErrorData(MyStruct errorDataStruct, QVector<MyStruct> errorDataVector) { QString errors = "Error1,Error2,Error3,Error4"; QStringList errorList = errors.split(","); QString errorsLinks = ",,,"; QStringList errorLinkList = errorsLinks.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < errorList.count(); i++) { errorDataStruct.error = errorList[i]; for (int j = 0; j < errorLinkList.count(); j++) { errorDataStruct.errorLink = errorLinkList[i]; } errorDataVector.push_back(errorDataStruct); } return errorDataVector; } void Test::displayErrorData(QVector<MyStruct> errorDataVector) { for (MyStruct errorData : errorDataVector) { QTreeWidgetItem *myTestItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget); myTestItem->setText(0, errorData.error); // adds error links to setData of the QTreeWidgetItem myTestItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, errorData.errorLink); } errorDataVector.clear(); } Test::~Test() { delete ui; }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ui version="4.0"> <class>Test</class> <widget class="QWidget" name="Test"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <width>400</width> <height>300</height> </rect> </property> <property name="windowTitle"> <string>Test</string> </property> <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="treeWidget"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>30</x> <y>20</y> <width>256</width> <height>192</height> </rect> </property> <column> <property name="text"> <string notr="true">1</string> </property> </column> </widget> <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton"> <property name="geometry"> <rect> <x>320</x> <y>270</y> <width>75</width> <height>23</height> </rect> </property> <property name="text"> <string>PushButton</string> </property> </widget> </widget> <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/> <resources/> <connections/> </ui>
It will add all errors to the
as the toplevelQTreeWidgetItems's
and open the appropriate error -> link by clicking the button. Happy coding!