How to avoid leaking memory?
Doesn't your QDeclarativeView have a QWidget* parent? I mean the code posted is your actual code?
Don't you have something like:
@QDeclarativeView *schermataParola = new QDeclarativeView(someWidgetpointer);@
or put the schermataParola into a layout?In case you do set a parent or it gets a parent (for example by putting schermataParola into a layout) the allocated memory will be deleted by the parent (when parent gets deleted or out of scope).
If it doesn't get a parent you can set the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute or manually delete the pointer when the widget work is done.
void gestore::visualizzaParola(int index)
QDeclarativeView *schermataParola = new QDeclarativeView;
biglietto bigliettocorrente = (biglietto) this->makeListaParolaSalvate(this->getCurrentFilter()).at(index);
QDeclarativeContext *rootContext = schermataParola->rootContext();rootContext->setContextProperty("sfondoBiglietto", bigliettocorrente->gettipo()); rootContext->setContextProperty("currentWort", bigliettocorrente->getwort()); rootContext->setContextProperty("currentBeispiel", bigliettocorrente->getbeispiel()); rootContext->setContextProperty("currentParola", bigliettocorrente->getparola()); rootContext->setContextProperty("currentEsempio", bigliettocorrente->getesempio()); schermataParola->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("qml/HeilfeFuerVieleWoerterZuErinnern/schermataParola.qml")); schermataParola->show();
@you can see that it does not fall cause in that window there is nothing to close the window: there are just signals to open other windows with qt c++.
You will have to provide a possibility within your QML document to close it, usually a button or key event connected to Qt.quit(). Then the QDeclarativeEngine::quit() signal is emitted (accessible through QDeclarativeView::engine()), which has to be connected to a slot which handles the signal by for example deleting the view (QDeclarativeView::deleteLater()) or quitting the application.
See "Getting Started Programming with QML": and "Closing a Qt Quick application from QML":
so, how do you use Qt::WA_deleteonclose attribute?
QDeclarativeView *view = new QDeclarativeView;
view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("parolemodello", QVariant::fromValue(this->makeListaParolaSalvate(this->getCurrentFilter())));
view->show();QObject *obj = view->rootObject(); QObject::connect(obj, SIGNAL(signal_creaNuovaParola()), this, SLOT(creaNuovaParola())); QObject::connect(obj, SIGNAL(signal_filterChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(visualizzaSchermataPrincipaleSlot(QString))); QObject::connect(obj, SIGNAL(signal_visualizzaParola(int)), this, SLOT(visualizzaParola(int)));
so it does not function...
Of course it doesn't, because you have to have some piece of code in your QML which calls Qt.quit() and the quit() signal connected to some slot (preferably to close()) in C++. If you have the WA_DeleteOnClose flag set your view will get deleted too (as soon as the window is closed).
Have you taken a look at the "Closing a Qt Quick application from QML": link I've posted?
Make view a member variable then. If the other widget belongs to the same class it will be accessible directly, otherwise you will have to make it globally accessible, by
- exposing it through a getter of your class and
- making this class globally accessible
class gestore
view = new QDeclarativeView;
qApp->setProperty("gestore", QVariant::fromValue<gestore*>(this));
QDeclarativeView getView() const { return view; }
QDeclarativeView* view;
Brain to terminal. Not tested. Exemplary.