How to set GDB version for QtCreator
I had compiled and installed GDB v8.2, and installed it in both usr/bin and usr/local/bin. When I run "GDB" from a terminal, it identifies as v8.2. I've set those locations in QtCreator's options pages for kits and for debuggers. There should be no way for QtCreator to find an older GDB version.
However, I just noticed the debugger log file has lines saying "GDB 71101", presumably because it is using v7.11.1 (?!). I did not find any older stray 7.11.1 versions that QtCreator could be picking up. No GDB versions found within the QtCreator folders.
Is there any other options page where the GDB location needs to be set? Any way to trace where QtCreator is finding an older version of GDB?
No ideas about this?
Any chance that the older version of GDB is being picked up from some obscure location, or from cache somewhere?
Hi @StringTheory,
Any chance that the older version of GDB is being picked up from some obscure location, or from cache somewhere?
Well if you scan your whole disk for gdb and don't have further occurrences, you should be save. I don't think there is more magic involved. If you have more than one gdb on disk, you should rename the other ones for test.
Maybe your question regarding the log entry could better be answered at the Creator mailing list.