How to Install Qt3DStudio & QtCreator and work them together (explained)
Installation and Deployment
Hello People
Machine is Windows 10, I am not proud of using windows but this thing is working well on windows.
I just got some headach for installing 3DStudio and opening 3DStudio projects on Creator, then I got crazy for some times beacuse I just downloaded all the Qt components for couple times (more than 3 times).
Now issue is solved and I prepared a Pdf how to download them and work them together.
This is just my experience and my words.
Have nice 3D day
Just check this out, there is windows 10 specific bugs:
Bug is "Qt viewer crashes from 2nd run and onwards", for this you should clear the cache from C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\cache\qtshadercache
Just read it if you are on windows 10