I would to create a custom webkit and osk (virtual key board).
I want to show the osk when i select a edit text.I try :
- onActiveFocusChanged: but the activeFocus variable show "true" and immediately "false"
- javascript function $('input[type=text]'): but this don't work with text edit on google page
Is there another solution ?
@import Qt 4.7
import QtWebKit 1.0Flickable {
id: flickable
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: webView.width
contentHeight: webView.height
focus: trueWebView { id: webView url: "http://www.google.fr" //focus: true /*onActiveFocusChanged: { console.log("[QML] Action -- active focus "+activeFocus+" -- WebKit.qml") if(activeFocus) osk.isStandardKeys(false) else osk.exitProgram() }*/ Keys.onPressed:{ console.log("Key pressed"); } preferredWidth: flickable.width preferredHeight: flickable.height contentsScale: 1 onAlert: console.log(message) onLoadFinished: { var isFlickable = webView.evaluateJavaScript("$('input[type=text]').select(function() {alert('Handler for .focus() called.'); window.qml.showKeyBoard()});"); } javaScriptWindowObjects:QtObject { WebView.windowObjectName: "qml" function showKeyBoard() { osk.isStandardKeys(false); } } }
I'm not sure if this is the problem in your case, but removing the focus from Flickable may help -- focus in QML is propogated via focus scopes, rather than parent-child, so the Flickable and WebView may be fighting over the focus. If this is a component in a larger project, it is also possible that the focus has been grabbed elsewhere (e.g. by your osk).
Michael -
See bug "QTBUG-7369":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-7369 (Flickable/MouseArea should handle mouse wheel events).