QT Advanced Text Editor
Hello, I can do this but I prefer much harder do than basic projects.
So how can I implement or add features like Microsoft word?
I made similar things with Javascript. But this time qt widgets not enough for that's.
Where do i put text area because i need a ruler, a sizer ..?
graphic view? PaintView?
Can i use SDL or other things as limitless in QT. I don't find any source about writing widget for QT.
I think that widgets very limitedother options is easy for me as result i should write html designer with table formats, styles, fonts, charts.
But it seems to not easy as js.
Could you can explain thats. What is best practice way -
You can build off QTextEdit
And for ruler and sizer etc are just other widgets in a layout with QTextEdit.
Yes you can use almost any kind of c++ library with Qt.