Optimizing building a "contained words" list
Hi, to write an anagram generator, I have to look through a huge amount (2 * 10^6 QStrings) of words and find out, if the chars to build these words can be found in a given text, thus creating a list of 'all' words that could be created from text's "char material".
My solution takes far too much time, typically around 700 ms for a word list. Do you have ideas on how to do the task significantly faster?
bool contains(QString text, QString word) { for (auto i = word.begin(); i != word.end(); i++) { if (word.count(*i, Qt::CaseSensitive) > text.count(*i, Qt::CaseSensitive)) { return false; } } return true; };
I've tried avoiding to check a char twice, but this needed about 50% more time:
bool contains(QString text, QString word) { QHash<QChar, bool> done; for (auto i = word.begin(); i != word.end(); i++) { int wordCount = word.count(*i, Qt::CaseSensitive); int textCount = text.count(*i, Qt::CaseSensitive); if (wordCount > 1) { if (done.contains(*i)) continue; done.insert(*i,true); } if (wordCount > textCount) { return false; } } return true; };
To fill the actual word list, I use this code:
QVector<QString> wordList(QString text, const QVector<QString> bigList) { QVector<QString> resultList; resultList.reserve(6); for (auto s : bigList) { if (contains(text, s)) { resultList.append(s); } } return resultList; }
I've tried to pre-count the chars in the bigList, making it a
QHash<QString, QHash<QChar, int>> bigMap;
Here the count of each word's chars is stored to make "contains" faster, but unfortunately that structure seems to be too big, I get a bad_alloc exception at about 75% of filling it up.
Any ideas where to go from here? I feel quite lost.
Im wondering if
would help but since QString is implicitly shared already im not
sure the gain will be anything worthwhile.im also wondering if contains should not be
bool contains(const QString &text, const QString &word) {
for max speed ?