Qt designer with windows 7 64-bit platform
Maybe someone is familiar with this problem:
We have windows 7 running in 64-bit platform , but most of our projects builds on Win32 ,
Qt designer is not opening from visual studio 2008 when we are in win32 configuration ,but we can see the process running in the task manager. To open the qt designer we should switch to 64-bit configuration.
It's not so comfortable to switch all the time platforms and kill running processes thru the task manager -
I have exactly the same problem twice now. The first time I ended up reformatting the hard disc and reinstalling everything. I'm still trying to fix it on a two new PC's. Installing qt64 is when it goes wrong big time.
No, I am not building for 64 bit platform
Just Qt designer not opens.
I tried now to open a new QtGui project with 32-bit configuration,tried to open Qt designer ,the process is started but no window opened :(Now , if I add and switch to 64-bit thru Configuration Manager, the Qt designer window opens
I've given up and switched to using QTCreator.