Qt widget application: show trends
I would like to show trends in my application that is build with widgets, no QML, no Quick.
The version I have, is not so clear to me...

About page reports 4.7 based on 5.11... when installed compoents:
So.. if you ask me which version I'm using.. I'm honestly confused.By the way.. it is installed on Linux Ubuntu.
I found some nice library or samples based on Quick2.
Which is the best way to show trends without QML and Quick?
It's possible somehow to integrate a custom widget created with QML in widgets application?
I red something but not clear procedure to me..I also thought to create some web pages with trends and integrate in my application..
The Qt Creator box is telling you that the Qt Creator application itself was built with Qt 5.11.1.The Maintenance dialog is telling/asking you which version of Qt you have installed for building your own apps against. (From your pic, you can now confidently answer those who ask you that the version of Qt you are using is 5.9.1, not 5.11.1 :) )
The version of Qt used to build Qt Creator is independent/can be different from the version of Qt you are developing your apps with.
I know nothing about your QML/Quick questions :)
I'm checking Qwt... could be a good solution?
Yes QWT is good.
QtChart is also nice. ( you can also use these with widgets)
I also liked
as it was so easy to get up and running. -
I prefer the Qwt library, as all others are slow and has memory leaks and resources consumption.
Thanks. Your suggestion is my choice. I tried QWT but after a while, I was not able to get it working, after installation I got an error because the file format is not recognized. I think it's a problem because I'm cross-compiling for raspberry.
With qcustomplot was very fast.
Thanks a lot.