Windows: qMake: descrepancy between "Build Configuration" and "CONFIG()" TYPE?
In my project's build settings, i have this:
and this:
(I also have a "release" config, where "qmake build configuration" is set to "Release")
It is my understanding that %{CurrentBuild:Name} is in fact the "build configuration" name. Right?
So far so good. In my qMake file i have this:
CONFIG(release, debug|release) { build_type = release } else { build_type = debug } message(build_type: $${build_type}) message($${TARGET} $${build_depth}bit)
I'm under the impression that that will basically get me the value of the "qmake build configuration" popup, (lower cased) is this a correct assumption?
As expected then, when editing the qMake file, it gets re-parsed and i see something consistent like this:
Project MESSAGE: build_type: debug Project MESSAGE: CFTest Debug 64bit
or this:
Project MESSAGE: build_type: release Project MESSAGE: CFTest 64bit
However, when i go to BUILD, for some reason the qMake file gets parsed THREE times, and on the THIRD time, the two messages CONFLICT! See below:
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------ Project MESSAGE: build_type: debug Project MESSAGE: CFTest Debug 64bit Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------ Project MESSAGE: build_type: debug Project MESSAGE: CFTest Debug 64bit Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------ Project MESSAGE: build_type: release Project MESSAGE: CFTest Debug 64bit
why would they conflict? how is that possible? i'm concerned that this is causing an invisible problem.
it seems the THIRD one must be for the "main" Makefile, which is not "debug" so my logic marks it as "release" even though the $${TARGET}} is "debug". That would explain why the discrepancy.
This is normal for qmake on Windows: it runs 3 times and generates 3 Makefiles. Some more information:
thanks for that but why the discrepancy on the third pass? is that expected? if so, why?
One is for the main Makefile, the second is for debug build and the last one for release build.
it seems the THIRD one must be for the "main" Makefile, which is not "debug" so my logic marks it as "release" even though the $${TARGET}} is "debug". That would explain why the discrepancy.