serialbus iOS error
Hello, I'm building a cross platform application to monitor industrial PLCs via ModbusTCP.
My application compiles flawlessly in Windows, Android and MacOS. In iOS i get this error at compile time:Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: serialbus 15:00:57: The process "/Users/ginopilotino/Qt/5.11.1/ios/bin/qmake" exited with code 3. Error while building/deploying project 00008_GestioneSistema (kit: Qt 5.11.1 for iOS Simulator) When executing step "qmake"
Any idea how to fix it?
Officially supported is Windows and Linux:
ModBus should work on macOS too, you're right - that is missing from the docs. I guess nobody wanted to test Android and iOS, chances are that it can be compiled there also. i guess there is some switch that excludes the build for iOS,still you could try to build yourself after patching the sources.
AFAIK, the serial ports are not supported on iOS at all (as in Android).
PS: Maybe it be possible to add some patches to the qtserialbus library on iOS, which disables the Modbus RTU && CAN-bus.. But keep the Modbus TCP. i.e. make it more modularity.
@aha_1980 said in serialbus iOS error:
The question stays, why does it work for him at Android?
Who said, that it is worked on Android? :)
It just compiles on Android, because QSerialPort compiles there. But since 5.12 the QSerialPort will be ignored/skipped from the Qt bundle for Android platform QTBUG-69727. But for iOS the QSerialPort is already skipped a long time ago.
I confirm it does work in the Android simulator. I'm able to connect and communicate from the emulated device with a PLC in the same LAN using ModbusTCP.
If serial libs are going to be dropped for Android too in Qt 5.12 as @kuzulis said, then I definitely need to switch to another ModbusTCP library. Which is actually a shame. -
Hi @Illogica.
I've created QTBUG-70360 to track this.