QListWidget blank area at bottom (items not filling all space)
I'm using a QListWidget (v. 5.10.1) and I have a strange blank area at bottom, and items are not well laid out. I'm using IconMode with a TopToBottom flow. Fist, I thought this blank area comes from scroll bar, so I disabled it and I set height and margin to 0 in style sheet but no success. On this 2 pictures you can see the blank area (items are red square):
On the second picture, we can see that there is enough space to display on more row of items at bottom.
How to get rid of the blank area ?setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding); setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); setMovement(QListView::Static); setFlow(QListView::TopToBottom); setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); setSpacing(2); setResizeMode(QListView::Adjust); setSizeAdjustPolicy(QListWidget::AdjustToContents); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel);
QListWidgetItem::sizeHint returns myListWidget->iconSize();
Any suggestions are welcome.
Best regards,
Jonathan -
Assuming you really do have enough room (I don't know, if it were me I'd try increasing the vertical size available first just to make sure), I don't know but if you can't get it working it might be the case that you need to heed https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24529062/qt-5-3-qlistview-column-problems where they claim you need to useQTableView
instead...? -
I'm not aware of a qt bugtracker entry for this specific issue - therefore can you please provide a small, compilable example so we can take a look on what's going wrong? thx.