how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017
I have tried to build the project in visual studio 2017 using msvc 2013 of Qt 5.5. and I got some C 3615 errors that said "constexpr fuction 'QUuid::operator =' cannot result in a constant expression.". I tried and tried again to search for solution with googling, I couldn't find a solution that I want. Please find a solution to resolve errors.
@LJay said in how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017:
visual studio 2017 using msvc 2013 of Qt 5.5
Are you using MSVC 2013 or MSVC2017? Qt version is 5.5? Also can you give a litte more context about the lines that causes the compile error?
@aha_1980 thank you for replying. Qt version is 5.5 and msvc 2013 was used like I wrote above. also, I used visual studio 2017 lastest version. The error code is C3615, which said that "constexpr function 'QUuid::operator =' cannot result in a constant expression.". The error list displayed that this error is caused in quuid.h file.
@aha_1980 In source code, there is no error. quuid header file is not written by me. it is offered by the Qt company. what I wanna know is the way to resolve C3615 error. what do you wanna know in detail to find a solution? thank you again for replying me.
@LJay said in how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017:
what do you wanna know in detail to find a solution?
What compiler you are using.
Looks like you are mixing different compiler versions or libraries built with different compiler versions and that is unsupported by MSVC.
You need to make very clear what compiler and what Qt version (number, compiler and architecture)
@LJay said in how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017:
Qt version is 5.5 and msvc 2013 was used like I wrote above. also, I used visual studio 2017 lastest version.
Do you mean you are using the Visual Studio 2017 IDE with an older compiler (Visual C++ 2013)?
The original version of Visual C++ 2013 doesn't support
. You must upgrade to the November 2013 CTP. -
@LJay said in how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017:
I used the default compiler of Visual Studio 2017.
That won't work. Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 is not compatible with Qt for MSVC 2013.
You must either upgrade Qt or downgrade your compiler.
@JKSH The problem is that My project use WebKit and WebKitWidget and Qt 5.5 contains them but latest Qt version, 5.11.1, doesn't contain those things. therefore I used Qt 5.5. I don't know that Visual Studio 2017 is not compatible with Qt 5.5.
How can I do? just downgrading my compiler? -
@LJay said in how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017:
I don't know that Visual Studio 2017 is not compatible with Qt 5.5.
- Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 is compatible with Qt 5.5.
- Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 is not compatible with DLLs that were built using Visual C++ Compiler 13.0. (This includes Qt 5.5 for MSVC 2013)
How can I do? just downgrading my compiler?
You options are:
- Downgrade to Visual Studio 2013, OR
- Use Visual Studio 2017 to build Qt 5.5 yourself
The first option is easier.
@LJay said in how to resolve C3615 errors in visual studio 2017:
My project use WebKit and WebKitWidget and Qt 5.5 contains them but latest Qt version, 5.11.1, doesn't contain those things. therefore I used Qt 5.5.
It's a bad idea to use outdated software when you are dealing with web stuff. You can use with Qt 5.11 instead